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Wrap wire around the remaining exposed lead of each pencil. Connect one to the positive terminal and the other to the negative terminal. Each pencil should now have one end of exposed lead inserted through cardboard or paper and the other attached to the battery via copper wire. Insert the exposed pencil lead through a piece of cardboard or stiff paper. Poke 2 holes through a piece of cardboard or stiff paper with a toothpick—this will make it easier to insert your pencils.

Be sure the pencils' body is covered with wood—there should be wood underneath the exposed lead after pushing the ends through the cardboard or paper. Stir the sodium hydroxide, a little at a time, into a large volume of water and then dilute the solution to make one liter. Add sodium hydroxide to water—do not add water to solid sodium hydroxide. Caustic soda, sodium hydroxide, baking soda, liquid soda, caustic soda are all names of substances with the chemical formula NaOH. Place the cardboard over the glass with 0.6 in (1.5 cm) the lead in the water.
Making Lye Water
Never boil your solution in a kitchen, outdoors, or in a non-chemically designed ventilation area. Don't use aluminum to boil your solution or the dish will melt. Make sure you are in a well-ventilated area or set up a fan because the hydrogen and the oxygen can burn and explode with any little spark and chlorine can be toxic. Make sure all the salt is completely dissolved for best results.

WikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. This article received 15 testimonials and 92% of readers who voted found it helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. Be sure to use borosilicate glass (e.g., Pyrex) and consider immersing the container in a bucket of ice to keep the heat down.
How do you make sodium hydroxide using electrolysis?
This potassium doesn’t burn in the fire, and is still present in the ashes after the fire. You can then leach the potassium from the ashes with water. To make your own sodium hydroxide, all you need is a basic chemical laboratory and some salt.
For many years, the production of caustic soda has been beneficial for both electrolytic chlorine producers and soda-ammonia industries. Although the relative economic conditions of both methods can be discussed. Sodium hydroxide is a very common compound, and is used in making soap.
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However, it is recommended that you use table salt dissolved in distilled water to make the solution as pure as possible. Pour your NaOH solution into an appropriate container. Purchase a new chemical container rated for NaOH along with a chemically-approved funnel.

In this case, you can make sodium hydroxide at home. And this is a safe and efficient way to make your own high-quality sodium hydroxide. Theoretically, any salt water should work in this situation.
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Electrolysis of concentrated sodium chloride solutions produces chlorine gas, hydrogen gas and aqueous sodium hydroxide. The second thing you need to make liquid potassium hydroxide lye is soft water. Rainwater is ideal because it’s soft and available in large quantities.Set up a rain barrel in your backyard or under the eaves of your house to collect rainwater. Make sure there's a filter on the barrel to strain out leaves and organic debris. To make potassium hydroxide lye, you need the white ashes from hardwood fires. When hardwood trees are growing, they draw potassium from the ground.

Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 137,524 times. If you accidentally start an electrical fire, smother it with a dry blanket or fire extinguisher. Never pour water on it because water conducts electricity which can shock you.
It breaks down the chemical bonds that keep animals alive and turns them into coffee-like liquid. Sodium hydroxide is a common chemical for decomposing roadkill, and has also been used by criminals and serial killers. This is why you should make sure you don’t use it on human skin. There are several foods, such as olives and lutefisk, that are traditionally cured with lye. You can use your homemade lye water to cure olives and other foods at home.
Remove the wires from the battery nodes and disassemble the apparatus. After disconnecting the copper wires from the battery, remove the piece of cardboard or paper from the cup and pull out the pencils. Place everything onto a dry towel and clean up any water.Be careful not to touch the tips of the pencils that were submerged in the NaOH—they can severely burn your skin. To make lye water, drill 6 small holes in the base of a barrel and place a 1-2 inch layer of stones on the bottom of the barrel. Add a 3 inch layer of straw on top of the stones and fill the remainder of the barrel with wood ash.
Water boils at 212 °F (100 °C), while NaOH boils at 2,530 °F (1,390 °C), so boiling will separate the water from the NaOH. No, but a wooden barrel will be the best choice. If you must use another material, make sure that it isn't aluminum, as this will react negatively with the lye. When all the lye water has drained through a second time, test the pH again. You'll need at least 10 pints (4.7 L) of soft water to make lye water. To prepare these recipes, start with 1 liter of water and slowly stir in the solid NaOH.

Piping of salt water, hydrogen and caustic soda solution is usually made of ceramic material with polyester. Diaphragm tube decomposes about 50% of salt water to produce caustic soda solution containing 10-20% of decomposed sodium chloride. Weak caustic soda is poured into a nickel-lined multiple evaporator, where a 50% sodium hydroxide solution is produced. Most of the salt is deposited and removed from the concentrated caustic soda and recycled inside the salt separator. After filtering and washing, the salt is returned and the salt water is used for charging .
How to make sodium hydroxide?
For example, ammonia may be added to a 50% caustic soda solution and precipitate sodium hydroxide hydrates, which contain less water than the original liquid. Alternatively, anhydrous sodium hydroxide crystals may be formed by the caustic soda compound 50% with anhydrous ammonia by counter-pressure flow device. In the electrolytic method, direct current passes through sodium chloride solution in special cells designed for this purpose. Salt water is decomposed by electric current and 10-12% sodium hydroxide solution along with hydrogen gas in the cathode and chlorine gas in the anode are formed as side products.
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